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Natalia Garcia

The drama of being me!

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • I am who I am and I like my way of being, even though others ask me to change.
  • Before I was very shy and quiet, but now I have strengthened my character and I feel confident about myself, especially with respect to my body.
  • 2 months ago, I started going to the gym consistently and now I like what I see when I look in the mirror.

I am who I am and I am how I am.

They tell me to change my way of being, obviously I'm not going to do it, why would I? I'm always on point and I don't know why.

I am Natalia and I am 22 years old, when I was a child I was very submissive, quiet and correct, a well-behaved girl, I never failed any subject in elementary and high school, I was super calm, I never responded or answered anyone badly and much less to the elders. But I grew up, I grew up and I formed, I formed my character and I did it very well, I spent a lot of time without saying anything and being told everything, listening to disrespect, comments about my body, why about my body? Because I was skinny, I mean I was because with my perspective and with the confidence that I handle today, I moved a bunch. Seven months ago I started going to the gym, I went for 3 months then I quit because I had to work, I went back 2 months ago and today I am constant, in the same way it is said that you have to spend 6 months to be constant and an average of 1 to 2 years to see results, but with 2 months I look in the mirror and I like my body, I like what I see how I look, something I couldn't say before, before I was super skinny and I constantly fought against my demons, against my thoughts, against my mind, against the shit comments of others, those mocking laughs from people outside of me and also from my family...

Natalia Garcia
Natalia Garcia
Natalia Garcia
Natalia Garcia
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